Part 18: Wild Waterways
Part 17: Wild Waterways

Hmm, it's weird being in the back, but this will suffice. Everyone ready?

Always! Let us take down everything in our path!

Heh, with this new axe I'll be unstoppable!

This sword ain't nothing much, but I'll contribute all the same.

Can't wait for everyone to be horribly injured.

That can be arranged.

Oh good, the pearl's still here.

With some pretty easy bosses out the way, we've got some exploring to do! Here's everyone that was too lame to get voted last time.

i'm lacking for incisive commentary right now so enjoy the story of how i made enemies of everyone in my high school's band: one time i asked a friend of mine who was in band if his french horn was a tuba

A party with 4 damage dealers and a Medic. Yeah, they'll be fine.
The Thousand Year Old Blue Woodlands

Farewell ants, you fuckin shits.

Ooh, fresh river water. Nice to see one that isn't red with blood.

Fill up your canteens, we've got a long road ahead. I want that item!

Shame there's a million carnivorous fish in there or I'd swim across. They keep grinning at me.

It's nice to not have walls everywhere so we can see stuff we'll get to later this update. ...much later this update.

If it's not bees or ants, it's bats!

Ooh, do they vant to suck your blood?
Level: 33
HP: 274
STR: 107
VIT: 68
AGI: 38
LUC: 38
TEC: 38
EXP: 898
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Bat Wing. 25% chance. Sells for 54en.
3 required for Cotardie (Clothing, DEF+16)
5 required for Hunter Bow (Bow, ATK+75)
7 required for 7 Doublet (Clothing, DEF+18, TP+10)
Rare: None
Conditional: None

I know, we always start with the craziest enemies here in EO1! Uh, yeah, I don't want to say all they do is hit kinda hard and that's it, cause I feel like that's my default. BUT IT'S ALL THEY DO!!! They're just additional damage but definitely not the enemy to focus on.

...Why are they 10% weaker to elements? That's such a weird damage multiplier to be using. Aside from that, they're a trash mob... on the 3rd floor of a Stratum. Okay.

they're far worse in EOU. far,
far worse

Hmm, cute, but look at this!

Don't keep attacking when you're cursed, dumbass!


Allslash and Curse don't mix, who knew?

ez way to stop curse from being a problem, get strong enough so that everything dies in one hit.

Fast little blighters, I nearly went home to momma.

Oh I'm liking this place already.

Lavin's a bit too simple for my tastes, so let's get this buff going. 110% damage increase for 120% damage taken, so let's get levels into this now.

I'll just pretend that fight didn't happen...

Now this is something I've been waiting for, a dragonfly as big as me!

Slightly bigger than the ones I wrestled when I was a kid.

Huh, the kid's not lying. Sounds like a hell of a childhood.
Level: 35
HP: 247
STR: 105
VIT: 72
AGI: 36
LUC: 36
TEC: 60
EXP: 876
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Carapace. 33% chance. Sells for 57en.
1 required for Gold Chime (Item, reduces the encounter rate by 50% for 100 steps)
1 required for Claymore (Sword, ATK+78)
3 required for Full Armor (Heavy Armor, DEF+22, HP+12)
5 required for Great Axe (Axe, ATK+97)
7 required for Plate Mail (Heavy Armor, DEF+26)
9 required for Body Aspis (Shield, DEF+14, VIT+3, Ice Resist Up 10%)
10 required for War Mace (Axe, ATK+70, HP+15)
Bug Nest. 25% chance. Sells for 60en.
1 required for Gum Aspis (Shield, DEF+7, Volt Resist Up 10%)
3 required for Body Aspis (Shield, DEF+14, VIT+3, Ice Resist Up 10%)
5 required for Ohdachi (Katana, ATK+90)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian II
3 required for Chef's request I
Conditional: None

Oh hey... it's a higher level Woodbat. Maybe I preferred the ants. Ah, just kidding, they were shit. We'll be seeing a lot of enemy variety past B12F, but that doesn't mean they're particularly interesting in their own right. Just a bunch of physical damage being thrown around, good thing I've got a Protector! And by that I mean Immunize Medic, which is superior.

Oh hey, it's another trash mob. A giant dragonfly that... somehow doesn't hit as hard as a bat. Seriously, what's with the trash mobs? Is this 7th Dragon or something?

They can bind you in EOU!

Please, you're not gonna kill me like this.

Do do dooooo, Salve is nearly ready guys. Keep those wounds fresh!

Gahhhhhh so close to being good.

That jump from level 9 to 10 is such a ridiculous power boost!

It's less exciting when we can just buy them.

And yet you'll continue to open them.

Hm? Was something there?
Level: 36
HP: 371
STR: 155
VIT: 76
AGI: 33
LUC: 37
TEC: 29
EXP: 1006
Bleeder: Uses the Arms. A Bash attack that deals 120% damage to a single target. Has a 90% accuracy modifier and a 10% speed modifier.
Fear Eye: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Fear on a single target. Has a 70% infliction chance and a 10% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Shred Nail. 50% chance. Sells for 70en.
1 required for Claymore (Sword, ATK+78)
3 required for Ohdachi (Katana, ATK+90)
5 required for Wind Whip (Whip, ATK+79)
Red Hide. 15% chance. Sells for 73en.
1 required for Executor (Sword, ATK+97, STR+6, TEC+4)
1 required for Full Armor (Light Armor, DEF+22, HP+12)
2 required for Surcoat (Clothing, DEF+16)
3 required for Moccasins (Footwear, DEF+3, AGI+5)
Conditional: None

Well it's a pretty uninteresting physical attacker, but it can glare at you sometimes! It's not too threatening since we outspeed and kill it easily, but it's definitely the main target when it appears with other monsters. It can't oneshot us, but it will definitely kill anyone that's been softened up.

Oh finally, an enemy that can do something more for once. Hits hard and can disable you. Don't wanna be on the business end of its claws.

They can very easily one-shot rows in EOU, but they need two turns to do it.

Nearly everything we need for Simone is level 5, so we can move on to level 10 for them. Oh yeah, I forget she needs to be in the middle for Bait stuff.

Huh? Show yourself coward!

I don't feel malice. Perhaps diplomacy could work? Maybe not with her here.

From its place in a nearby brush, it closely watches your every move. Who would be here, this deep in the Labyrinth...? Ren and Tlachtga, perhaps? But they are usually more direct, never hiding themselves in shadow like this... you mentally debate over whether to approach the shadow or pay it no heed.

Uh, Liana's been standing there for a while, must be thinking pretty hard.

Something you never seem to do.

are we not all perpetually thinking very hard by definition of the amount of mental activity, conscious or not, needed to maintain life

Stay still you lot, especially you, Aryll, and let's approach careful- ah, they're gone!

You take a tenuous step toward the shadow, but it instantly withdraws into the trees. You resolve to keep an eye out for the unknown shadow from now on in your travels.

Well being aware of that shadow let me spot something else in the water.

Ahah, it must be quite the prey. It looks like you can barely lift it though.

Hot damn that axe is insane right now. Let's get battling.

Huh. Well I'm never matching that. I don't fancy doing so either.

Oh... wow.

Alright, incoming! Buckle up my lovelies.

No problem!

Confident Lavin is weird, but I don't mind? Got a lot to think about...
A Sudden Gust of Wind Before Your Eyes

Yeah, sure, go for me, whatever.
Level: 36
HP: 1900
STR: 179
VIT: 76
AGI: 62
LUC: 62
TEC: 41
EXP: 1200
Ripper: Uses the Arms. A Cut attack that deals 90% damage to a single target and attempts to inflict Instant Death. Has a 20% infliction chance, a 90% accuracy modifier and a 50% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Red Blade. 80% chance. Sells for 580en.
1 required for Bardiche (Axe, ATK+104, STR+6)
1 required for Body Aspis (Shield, DEF+14, VIT+3, Ice Resist Up 10%)
Rare: None
Conditional: None

Giant enemy crab. Nothing too scary, since the ID chance is so low, but enough to think about. Killclaws only appear after a turn in battle and are a bit of a pain to actually encounter, since everything dies before it gets a chance to reach us. It's your typical annoying crab, with a resiliance to everything physical and a hard hitter, oh there's that phrase again. We'll get this out of the way now and not bother with it otherwise, it's an FOE you've got to try for eventually.

Ah, ambush only FOEs. They're a very nasty surprise if you don't pay attention to the map screen during battles. But if you know they're coming, you can prepare for them. Kill off all the problematic enemies in the battle and leave the harmless ones alive, and then start buffing up. You'll then get a head start of sorts when the FOE joins since you don't have to prepare while it's in the battle.

As for this one, it hits pretty hard, and if you don't have an Alchemist, they can be a pain to deal with.

fuck hiding FOEs. that is all

When I pump myself up, nothing will survive! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

Hm, your scream isn't as inspiring as Wagner's.

I'll make a DB joke with War Cry eventually, but right now he's just Red Ribbon Army rage levels.

Heh, you fool.

Yeah, confident Lavin can fuck off.

You might have big muscles, but I shall cook this dishonourable creature!

Good, now that you've angered it, I can lure it like so...

I could give someone an oil so Aryll isn't our only source of elemental damage, but that requires me thinking of that at the time and expending the effort to put in into practise. So a lost cause, but at least Aryll is using her TP for once!

Ah. Well, nevertheless...

Well have fun suckers...

Great. Now who heals the healer?

Honestly, targeting the back row should be illegal.

Alright, let's get you patched up.

Oh cheers, now we're ready for- GAH, stop doing that!

What a surprise.

Crab... crushed...

I think we're ready to return to town, my blade is searingly hot.

Just drop it!

1 Carapace and 1 Shred Nail are required for Claymore (Sword, ATK+78), sells for 2400en
1 Carapace and 1 Glass Eye are required for Gold Chime (Item, reduces the encounter rate by 50% for 100 steps), sells for 1000en
7 Elastic and 3 Bat Wings are required for Cotardie (Light Armor, DEF+16), sells for 2160en

Just a quick rest and back to completely ignoring Killclaws. Always remember that I'm going through the other floors to get back to where I was, it never gets better.

Floor jump, how I miss thee.
The Thousand Year Old Blue Woodlands

Fall into place my pretties.

You say something, Simone?

Look at me with that smug look again and I'll neck ya boy.

So cool...

Ah, so relaxing to look out on the water.

So the path winds around... if there was any opening for attack, it could be from here, here and here. Furthermore-

Was relaxing.

Nice try, but even a little armour is still armour.

It may seem like I'm having a smooth time overall, but I'm not using Immunize in these fights to save TP, so we're just high enough in level to survive this stuff.

Giant crab at 4 o' clock.

We're trying to ignore it.

Treasure time!

Uh, in a minute.

While a back attack is tempting, I have no interest in ever fighting another crab.

Also fun fact about ambush only FOEs. They're supposed to despawn when the battle is over, but due to engine limitations, they take 1 turn to do so, and need you to step on a different tile to do that. But if they're right next to you, you can just walk onto them to trigger a fight. EO3 fixed that and they despawn right away, forcing you to wait for them to join the battle to fight them.

Aryll has every attacking skill she'll ever need, so now she needs TP to actually use them. Sure she could use ATK Up, but using one more Midareba before an Amrita would deal more damage overall. I've got 40 more SP, so I'll get round to it all eventually.

Ugh, get that thing away from me, reminds me of past relationships.

You... used this? With another person? Huh.

Oh hey, notice how the Killcrab spawned in a different place this time. I'll just put the spawn point in the water since it's what the remakes did anyway.

How ambush FOEs work in EO's engine is that they actually have a few different spawn points around a certain area, and the one the game deems appropriate is used to spawn the FOE. (One that isn't too far away that it would take too long to get to you, but also one that isn't too close that it would join right away. ...Most of the time, anyway.)

That beast's roar is terrifying! I can feel the bloodlust, the anger... I MUST MURDER IT FASTER!!!

I doubt the bear was expecting that reaction.

Well we don't need squirrels to tell us where that leads.

But they look so cute when they swim over.

At least let me examine it before you kill it!

Sorry, it's just... so easy.
Level: 34
HP: 329
STR: 145
VIT: 70
AGI: 32
LUC: 36
TEC: 28
EXP: 879
Darkmist: Uses the Head. Increases the entire party's resistance to elemental attacks by 150%. Has a 10% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Elastic. 35% chance. Sells for 55en.
1 required for Gum Helm (Headgear, DEF+3, TP+9)
3 required for Stud Vest (Light Armor, DEF+17)
3 required for Gum Aspis (Shield, DEF+7, Volt Resist Up 10%)
5 required for Shamshir (Sword, ATK+63)
5 required for Self Bow (Bow, ATK+59)
7 required for Gum Glove (Gloves, DEF+3, TEC+2)
7 required for Cotardie (Clothing, DEF+16)
Shiny Goo. 23% chance. Sells for 62en.
1 required for 7 Doublet (Clothing, DEF+18, TP+10)
Conditional: None

Hey, did you wish the impressive Madworm could stick around for an entire stratum? You do? ...why? Meltworms are slightly higher levelled, slightly stronger Madworms that are otherwise identical in that they die super easily. Mist and Darkmist are identical skills that still don't matter since we STILL haven't encountered more than two enemies with elemental attacks and Shelltors are not on the floors Meltworms are. They just have one extra drop that is required once. I don't know why they bothered.

Sometimes enemies in the EO series get a palette swapped version right in the middle of a Stratum to basically give them a new trick and give a vicious new spin on an existing enemy concept you fought before. But this has got to be one of the most pointless enemy updates I have ever seen in the series.

Mmm, blood keeps me young.

Oh? I'm not the only cursed thing here!

if you think about it, every screenshot of EO1 is a cursed image

Oh, EO1 isn't
that bad.

It's a bit hard to concentrate on healing when crabby pants is snipping constantly.

Ah, those claws aren't just for show. Urk.

I feel like you run right into sharp objects on purpose.

One day Aryll will stop dying. One day.

Does this help against this choking mist?

Dunno. Let's find out, ehehehehe.

ALL elements is a bit suspect because Immunize is a thing, so better to be safe in case it does increase damage from all damage sources, though I believe it's elemental only.

Nice little checkpoint, but since we're doing just fine, we'll keep going. You should go a little bit further regardless.

Weird looking one eyed pricks giving me damn flashbacks...

When you're done muttering our ears off, I think there's something big and scary in the distance, stay sharp!

This shortcut is a nice way to go to the spring when you're climbing through the floors.

This is why I need a meat shield. I mean, uh, Gerson.

Flesh is overrated, I cast it aside eons ago.

The way these crocodiles grin is unnerving.

Do they know something we don't? I never knew monsters could... prance.

We're one and a half LPs away, but I'm already shivering.

remember when i ran into two dinogators completely by accident while just exploring 30F in EO2U. good times

Those have nothing on the EO2 versions though. Nothing.

Such a dishonourably short floor!

Well we know there's more, but it better not be behind a violet door like everything else.

readying my narrator voice

I guess we could go back to town, but honestly, we just visited the spring, everyone's doing fine and there's something really important I want to do, so let's keep going!

What a pretty flower. I say, looking at my own reflection, ehehehe.

Hilarious. Definitely the biggest I've seen. It's almost like a boat.

Then let us use it to sail across this vast lake!

That's an interesting idea, though I have no idea how we'd steer it.

Sometimes you need to just let the water take you.

Pretty smooth ride, but, uh, we seem to be... here.

H-How? I was sure we were going straight the entire time.

Oh goody.

Ah, welcome to warp maze. Travel on a flower to reach a new destination. Where will you end up? Well, actually straight ahead of you, the first flower you encounter is the exception. For some reason. Let's explore the island we're on first to make sure we haven't missed anything.
B14F B7 Chop Point
Bug Nest. 50% chance. Sells for 60 en.
1 required for Gum Aspis (Shield, DEF+7, Volt Resist Up 10%)
3 required for Body Aspis (Shield, DEF+14, VIT+3, Ice Resist Up 10%)
5 required for Ohdachi (Katana, ATK+90)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian II
3 required for Chef's request I
Strawberry. 25% chance. Sells for 75 en.
1 required for Amrita II (Medicine, recovers the target by 50TP)
2 required for Axcela II (Item, increases Boost by 30 points)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian II
Narcissus. 15% chance. Sells for 170en.
1 required for Fire Mist (Item, reduces Fire damage by 40% for 1 turn, must be restocked)
1 required for Ice Mist (Item, reduces Ice damage by 40% for 1 turn, must be restocked)
1 required for Volt Mist (Item, reduces Volt damage by 40% for 1 turn, must be restocked)

Oh hey, a gather point. Remember those? There's some nice stuff here, we definitely need those Amrita IIs asap. And I guess the Axcela II since they're actually useful. Otherwise, a nice cash injection, since stuff is getting pricier.

What is going on today? Been a while since I was this hated.

It's almost as good with a sword as I am.
Level: 37
HP: 301
STR: 122
VIT: 84
AGI: 42
LUC: 42
TEC: 42
EXP: 889
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Fish Scale. 45% chance. Sells for 65en.
1 required for Scale Helm (Headgear, DEF+4)
3 required for Plate Mail (Heavy Armor, DEF+26)
3 required for Fang Glove (Gloves, DEF+4, STR+2)
7 required for Scale Boot (Footwear, DEF+4, AGI+6)
12 required for Scale Cap (Headgear, DEF+6, TP+12)
Fish Fin. 25% chance. Sells for 66en.
1 required for Gum Glove (Gloves, DEF+3, TEC+2)
1 required for Scale Boot (Footwear, DEF+4, AGI+6)
1 required for Chef's demand
Conditional: None

We are meeting a lot of new enemies today. Too bad none of them are that interesting. Sworders are a bit of a pain since they're higher level, but otherwise aren't that special. Until you take into account that all of my frontliners deal Cut damage. Fuck. I could give Lavin an axe, but Allslash is just too good to ignore, so guess I'm about to have a fun time.

More trash mobs. Hooray. Boy, I miss Stratum 2.

Ah geez, it parries you way too well, even my best technique did nothing!

I'll just keep shooting it in the eye then. You got rid of the bats easily enough.

Oh hey, I had two points on Karin since I forget to spend them when I'm healing. Not a big deal since we don't need Immunize yet, when there's 10 points to invest, forgetting one or two for a bit doesn't make a huge difference. Oh, right, the skills. We'll start making everything level 10 for Simone, now that everything is at least passable, Immunize is getting nuts as a
55% reduction. Still not done. And Multihit deals 3 125% damage hits, so 375% total, as strong as Midareba! It's closer than you think too, since Bows is a 150% boost to Bow ATK, while Katanas is only 130%.

You wanna see big numbers? Because boy are you getting them!

Hmm, straight on!

I feel like charging ahead shouldn't give you first pick, but I have no idea where to start.

Warp! Maze! Warp! Maze! Warp! Maze!

Well the frogs die to one Allslash, letting Liana easily take out the Sworder with Multihit. Easy.
Red and Black

I smell treasure this wa- huh? There's someone here!

Ah, just up there!

As you look about in wonder, a shadow suddenly appears before you.

I warn thee, step no further into this vale!

As the shadow steps into the light, it is revealed to be a youthful-seeming girl. Her glare at you, however, smacks more of malice than innocence.

That girl has huge red eyes and is giving us the stink-eye and "youthful-seeming" is the word that comes to mind? Seeing that portrait pop up with this music was a bit of a jump scare for me.

I am Kupala, and this land is our sacred ground. Woe betide any who trespass!

The girl diappears as quickly as she came. Could she be the humanoid life form...? You cannot shake off the feeling of unresolved business in the forest, and decide to go deeper.

Pfft, like I'd listen to someone like that.

If we're trespassing, then we need to talk to her again, since this is something the Radha won't settle quietly on.
The Thousand Year Old Blue Woodlands

Mmm, love that apple scent. Okay I dunno where to go next.

There's the top part of the floor we can easily get to, I suggest there.

If we really wanted to, we could head to the end of the floor pretty damn quickly. But oh where's the fun in that? We'll explore this place properly soon enough.

Weird... I can see a flower directly ahead of us, but when we get closer it disappears. But it's there when we turn around. Just more and more questions.

Hm? I didn't even notice any of this stuff...

A back wound is a dishonour to one with the blade.

Technically it went right through you, so does that then make it a back wound?

What a pain explosion these crabs are.

Where did our boat... flower... thing go? I swear stuff stops existing when you stop looking at it.

Oh yeah, some of these flowers are one way, have a good time!

And that aspect makes this floor a bit of a pain since you can't just go back the way you came all the time if you don't like your destination.

It's been five steps, I've learned all I can from these things, now you're just wasting my time.

Does berating a corpse make you feel better?

Ah, good, I prefer red enemies, as that's how they'll look when I'm finished with them!

That's not their blood inside them...
Level: 35
HP: 301
STR: 116
VIT: 72
AGI: 40
LUC: 40
TEC: 40
EXP: 887
Bloodsac: Uses the Head. A Cut attack that deals 130% damage to a single target and recovers HP equal to damage dealt. Has a 0% speed modifier and a 90% accuracy modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Bat Wing. 38% chance. Sells for 54en.
3 required for Cotardie (Clothing, DEF+16)
5 required for Hunter Bow (Bow, ATK+75)
7 required for 7 Doublet (Clothing, DEF+18, TP+10)
Blood Fang. 20% chance. Sells for 63en.
3 required for Fang Glove (Gloves, DEF+4, STR+2)
5 required for Bardiche (Axe, ATK+104, STR+6)
Conditional: None

Right, another enemy that's sticking around. Vampbats are very slightly different to Woodbats, but really not by much, only having a couple levels to them and a skill they barely use. They're pretty rare enemies too, since this floor is pretty small. And then an extra drop so you're getting something new I guess. Combined with the ants and the standard physical enemies we've been facing, this stratum isn't all that exciting to fight through.

If your party's damage output is low, they
could end up dragging out the battle, but Bloodsac will pretty much always go last, aand they don't hit that hard anyway.

Eh, I've gotten over bats.

Okay, even I can see that's not going to end well.

I've not had the best sight since, well, you know, so I have no idea what you mean.

There's a couple times you can look across the water and see there won't be a flower back, but with the draw distance you're never completely sure.

The draw distance is a measly 3 tiles in the DS games, so it's not something to rely on.

Oh hey, there's no violet door here, so up we go.

How weirdly easy.

Of course since B13F is so short, there's more to it. Since we're here and able, we might as well do it, but the last shortcut was before the crocodile room, so to go back to this point would be a bit of a hassle.

Wow, Rodent would have a field day with this. Uh, if he ever actually smiled.

Really? He's always smiling round me.

...good for him.
B13F A7 Chop Point
Bug Nest. 50% chance. Sells for 60 en.
1 required for Gum Aspis (Shield, DEF+7, Volt Resist Up 10%)
3 required for Body Aspis (Shield, DEF+14, VIT+3, Ice Resist Up 10%)
5 required for Ohdachi (Katana, ATK+90)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian II
3 required for Chef's request I
Strawberry. 25% chance. Sells for 75 en.
1 required for Amrita II (Medicine, recovers the target by 50TP)
2 required for Axcela II (Item, increases Boost by 30 points)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian II
Sea Branch. 15% chance. Sells for 100en.
1 required for Sea Charm (Accessory, DEF+1, TP+20)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian II
B13F B7 Take Point
Glass Eye. 50% chance. Sells for 61en.
1 required for Fancy Coat (Clothing, DEF+11, VIT+3)
1 required for Gold Chime (Item, reduces the encounter rate by 50% for 100 steps)
2 required for Gem Staff (Staff, ATK+53, TEC+4)
Ant Honey. 25% chance. Sells for 79en.
1 required for Amrita II (Medicine, recovers the target by 50TP)
3 required for Bravant II (Item, increases the target's ATK by 125% for 5 turns)
Stab Shell. 15% chance. Sells for 90en.
1 required for Sea Charm (Accessory, DEF+1, TP+20)

Oh look, some more gathering points. It's cool, only three in the space of five minutes. There's a lot of stuff we need to get, including Ant Honey, something Servants can drop, but I completely forgot about. Still, we could've only used Bravant IIs for Royalant, since we could only just now get Strawberries for Amrita IIs, so it's not a huge loss, though admittedly giving one to Wagner would've been helpful. We also definitely want that Sea Charm, it's some good shit.

i forgot how utterly nonsensical gather point placements can be in EO1

Generally gather points follow specific rules in later EO games, but they're just all over the place here.

Wow, this place is ripe for the taking. A shame it's so out of the way.
B13F A6 Chop Point
Strawberry. 50% chance. Sells for 75 en.
1 required for Amrita II (Medicine, recovers the target by 50TP)
2 required for Axcela II (Item, increases Boost by 30 points)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian II
Bug Nest. 25% chance. Sells for 60 en.
1 required for Gum Aspis (Shield, DEF+7, Volt Resist Up 10%)
3 required for Body Aspis (Shield, DEF+14, VIT+3, Ice Resist Up 10%)
5 required for Ohdachi (Katana, ATK+90)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian II
3 required for Chef's request I
Sea Branch. 15% chance. Sells for 100en.
1 required for Sea Charm (Accessory, DEF+1, TP+20)
1 required for Scavenging for Ian II
B13F A6 Take Point
Ant Honey. 50% chance. Sells for 79en.
1 required for Amrita II (Medicine, recovers the target by 50TP)
3 required for Bravant II (Medicine, increases the target's ATK by 125% for 5 turns)
Glass Eye. 25% chance. Sells for 61en.
1 required for Fancy Coat (Clothing, DEF+11, VIT+3)
1 required for Gold Chime (Item, reduces the encounter rate by 50% for 100 steps)
2 required for Gem Staff (Staff, ATK+53, TEC+4)
Stab Shell. 15% chance. Sells for 90en.
1 required for Sea Charm (Accessory, DEF+1, TP+20)

Thanks game...? I'm not gonna bother with these, the walk to the other ones is enough.

The enemies aren't anything to worry about now, but hey, I'll take more TP.

Alright, back down the corridor we go.

I am adept at walking, or indeed, running away from suitors, but a solid day of it is wearing me thin.

This salve will not help you in any way, but to not use it now would be a waste.

Pour one out for yo sista. Or... pour one on yo sista.

I was surprised when Karin died, but none of these Aryll deaths fazed me, enemies love targetting her.

Still so many crabs. If only they were easier to crack...

Well they've been too far away to really bother us.

You obtain a purple crystal shard that emits a wondrous light. It releases a low pitch and a dazzling glow, as if resonating with something... perhaps it opens the purple crystals entwined with ivy, seen elsewhere in the Labyrinth.

Fucking FINALLY!

Those dishonourable doors will impede us no more!

Who's ready for some backtracking after we finish this stratum???

This has indeed been a terrible night.

These spikes will not help me weild a blade better, but they do look baller.

Aw man, I could use those, I love wrestling stuff.

Slowly but surely we're replacing our starting armour from 16 updates ago.

Alright, that's a massive dead end dealt with that also finishes the entire floor in one update!
The Lounge Where We Speak of Tomorrow

Wow, you guys were out there for a while! Big floor?

Uh, kinda? It was a bit split.

Well there's not much, but crazy chef is back.

The chef there wants to break culinary ground by using Bug Nests in his new recipe. Now, I think I heard a patron saying you can get them from the Moriyanas on the 14th floor. Three of those, and you should be set. I wonder how a dish like that would taste, though...

Liana said she saw some nests in the trees, so you can go get them.

Heh, sounds easy enough. At least the deeper you go, the more interesting everything gets.

He really does smile around her...

Looks like my little pet is working overtime today.

Ooh, I could write a song about the look on his face, ohohohoho.

This time the merchant Ian wants samples of everything you can chop on the 13th floor. It's going to take a while to chop everything... so good luck.

Man this sack is heavy, we need to go Shilleka's.

Damn right I'm heavy

Cheese, you need to find a way to shut this thing up.
5 Shred Nails and 1 Crab Leg are required for Wind Whip (Whip, ATK+79), sells for 2160en.
7 Elastic and 1 Fish Fin are required for Gum Glove (Gloves, DEF+3, TEC+2), sells for 540en.
1 Fish Scale is required for Scale Helm (Headgear, DEF+4), sells for 900en.
5 Carapace are required for Great Axe (Axe, ATK+97), sells for 2280en.
7 Carapace and 3 Fish Scales are required for Plate Mail (Heavy Armour, DEF+26), sells for 2760en.
5 Bat Wings and 5 Bone Shards are required for Hunter Bow (Bow, ATK+75), sells for 2640en.
7 Bat Wings and 1 Shiny Goo are required for 7 Doublet (Light Armour, DEF+18, TP+10), sells for 3000en.

Some good stuff here after some pretty hefty exploration, I like it, it's been a while. Next time, there's the rest of B14F and what's behind the mystery doors. Exciting stuff! Probably.

cross is lying to your face. i know it, you know it, he knows it

Ready for more secret areas? Too bad, because that's what you're getting.